Monday, March 14, 2011

The Queen Is Dead

Sometimes the world becomes so small, I forget that there is happiness and beauty in droves out there, even if I can't see it. I haven't written in months, so I'm a bit rusty, but no one reads this, anyway. I think I'm going to re-create this blog as a journal of non-drinking, and since this is my first day on the gig, let's get started:

6:30 A.M.: Call in sick to work because I hate myself and I don't want my students to smell my weakness. Immediately fall back asleep.
9:00 A.M.: Check out a list of A.A. meetings; call my friend, Charity, who is perpetually available at the moments of my most intense vulnerability. Walk with her.
10:30 A.M.: Eat Funyuns and chocolate for breakfast. Fall asleep.
12:00 P.M.: Miss the A.A. meeting that I wanted to attend (sleeping).
3:00 P.M.: wake up, decide on exercising today, plan to attend a 6 P.M. meeting, and write this blog.
Later: work on lesson plans and grading, exercise, and attend a meeting. It's in writing now, so I feel compelled to see it through.